On Friday we were down on the Peninsula. The sunset was spectacular. From our field site we could see Mt. Diablo to the north. To the west it looked like the cloulds were on fire.
In other news, Dad was in the hospital overnight Thursday. Turned out he had slipped back into atrial fibrillation, so he will need to get that straightened out. Luckily Eric and Karen were still there, and could help Mother.
F invited us to brunch Saturday. She had cooked a delicious breakfast with the help of her friend D. It was the first time I had seen her apartment, and I was glad that she had such comfortable digs to live in.
On Saturday after we returned home I biked up the steep part of the hill to the top in 1-2 for the first time. Curiously, this was easier than biking up in 1-1. I had the wind to my back. Tried it again today after rain stopped, and it is definitely the way to go.
Thanks to the recent rains the grass has started to grow again. I noticed the Ribes malvacearum had pushed new buds.
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