Sunday, January 30, 2011

Natural Drift

Took a chance and went to a bluegrass concert Saturday night here in town that I saw advertised in the paper.  Was a little difficult to get T to agree to go, but once we listened to some clips on their website T agreed to go.  It was most fun and I even bought a CD!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Garrya blooming second year in a row

The Garrya is blooming again.  I took these pictures yesterday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Had been freezing in the house this morning.  At lunch time looked at the thermometer by the back door (always degrees cooler than anywhere else since it is shady all day) and it read 69.  69!!! that was warmer than inside!!  Opened all windows and took my lunch outside.  The Daphne is blooming and the air smelled so sweet.  
Two pictures from our bike ride today.  From the top of the hill nice views of the Sutter Buttes to the north and Mt. Tamalpais to the west.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blooming orchid

The orchid I gave T for Christmas last year has rebloomed.  The stalk is all contorted though. Not sure why.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Above the fog

It's been so gray lately, but we got lucky one day on our bike ride, we actually got up above the fog when we reached the top of the hill. I always thinks that is very fun.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Birthday 2011

Met F at Costco Woodland 12 noon. Left her car there and continued up to Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. Overcast, high fog, and about 38 deg. Glad I had my long johns on.
Ate lunch in car as we drove the auto tour. Fewer birds than last year, but still very fun. Did the Owl Prowl.  The Owl Prowl leader had driven the tour earlier in the day too. Beside the usual waterfowl she had seen a peregrine falcon, an immature golden eagle, and 4 great horned owls.  We missed all that!.  Headed back to Woodland 5.30. Got to Costco about 6.30. Drove to Sac and had dinner at Sushi Hook. Finally had a good experience at a Japanese Restaurant, I guess third time really is a charm. The food was quite yummy.
Instead of a birthday cake we went to Cheesecake Factory and each got a piece of cheesecake to enjoy at F apt. Got home about 10.30 p.  I had such a nice time on my birthday. But the next morning when I woke up the sun was shining and I felt cheated! I had been so satisfied with my birthday until then. I'm over that by now, it was a strange reaction.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 New Years Day Hike

Postponed till the 3rd due to rain. Got to parking lot 11.30, trailhead 11.45. Finished hike about 4.30. The creek was almost too high to cross, but with a lot of teamwork got ourselves across as well as the party behind us. Eight inches rain in Dec, mostly after Christmas plus 1.1 since Jan 1. A great hike enjoyed by all!