Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grafting fun-cherry-cherry, almond-apricot, apricot-apricot

Surprisingly, according to my garden log book, our little cherry was planted in 1993. It is a "Lapins". Supposedly self fertile. This tree has been a bust, it flowers beautifully but produces almost no fruit. So last year, since Ted had been so successful with his peach grafts, I undertook some cherry grafts. The Stella planted in 1985 has been wonderful, but is starting to go down hill. We planted a Royal Anne in 2006, it had enough growth to provide some scion material. My grafts in 2007 were mostly simple splice grafts. I tied the scions in place with rubber bands and then wrapped them in parafilm. Even though at the time I was thinking "how can this even work?" they were all successful. Grafts were made Jan 15.
These grafts made a huge difference in the productivity of the Lapins. Now we have fruit galore.  Unfortunately it all gets infested with the spotted wing drosophila.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What! No pictures?

Considering how long Frenia and Ted have been taking karate lessons, how is it possible I don't have a picture of them in their gees? I think they started taking lessons when Frenia was in 7th grade, and now she's a freshman in college so that is going on 7 years. Every week down to Tracy's Karate studio for their lesson. Plus a few arguments when she decided that she wanted to quit (taking lessons was her idea in the first place). But no, Ted told her to hold on till at least they got their brown belts, and when it became clear that wasn't likely to happen before she left for college, then the deal was she had to stick it out until college started. And she did. Even when she left complaining she always came home laughing.

For a long time she was better than Ted was, probably due to an earlier several year stint at Kajekenbo, but eventually Ted started practicing between lessons when they had learned enough techniques that the practice gave him a good cardio workout. It made a good alternative to his daily bike ride.

And his hard work was rewarded Saturday when he was awarded his brown belt! I was invited to witness his test. I was amused by the compliments he got afterwards. "That was a very strong brown belt test." "For your size and age you move very well. Many smaller and younger people don't do as well." And this one: "If your path in life had been different you could have been a prizefighter." And this: "Frenia has the same innate ability that you have, if she ever had time she could easily get her brown belt." Seems unlikely, but who would have thought she would take up bike riding for exersize, so maybe at some point down the road.....