One of the joys of winter is the white-crowned sparrows. They arrive about by the fall equinox, and they usually leave around the spring equinox. Well, that's not quite true. Sometimes, as this year, there will be migrating birds around until mid-April.
They sing constantly, and their song is so sweet, it makes me happy just hearing it.It's a rare moment when I look out my window and don't see one. They flit from shrub to shrub and run around on the ground looking for food. If I go outside I am sure to see some, hurriedly slipping away from me to a safer bush.
Often in the fall they migrate in with the golden-crowned sparrows, but the golden-crowneds tend not to hang around the yard, it's not really their preferred habitat.They've been around the past few days though, so they must be migrating back north.
I didn't see or hear any white-crowneds today. How I will miss them over the summer! And how I will long to hear them again. The days will be all too silent.
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